The Professional Mum - The First Day of School....

For some Professional Mums their child's first day of school may be fast approaching! There are a few practical steps you can take in order to ensure a smooth transition to "big school" and lessen the likelihood of tears (theirs and yours!)

You are likely to have already started talking to your child about school and have probably also visited. Settling-in sessions are beneficial where your child has the opportunity to meet and get to know their class teacher, familiarise themselves with their classroom and be aware of where the toilets are.

If you know of any your child's prospective classmates, arranging play dates over the summer holidays is a good idea - familiar faces can be reassuring on the first day, for both you and your child.

So the big day arrives! Try and make starting school as exciting as possible. Get up early; always overestimate how long it will take to get ready, especially if your child is insistent on dressing themselves in their smart new uniform! Moving forward, establish a morning routine that gives both you and your child enough time to get ready, especially when you have to get to work yourself.

The photo of your child kitted out in their uniform on their first day is a must, but don't forget to label everything with name tapes. Sticky labels with their name on can be handy for lunch boxes and waterbottles, ensuring a swift return if they are mislaid.

At first the days will seem long and the constant stimulation of school will be tiring - try and make time for your child to relax at home. Show a genuine interest in the activities and events that your child describes at the end of their school day. If you have any worries or concerns at all, make a point of talking to your child's teacher.